14 1 4 MDCCCXLY.
I. Observations on the Genus Derbe of Fabricius. By J. O. WEsrwoop, Esq., PEERS C 4... . . JA SUN: pipe d
HI. Descriptions of several new Homopterous Insects belonging to various Sub- genera of Derbe of Fabricius. By J.O.Wzsrwoop, Esq., F.L.S., &c. 19
III. Some Account of Aucklandia, a new Genus of Composite, believed to pro- duce the Costus of Dioscorides. By Huen Fazconer, M.D., Superin- tendent of the Hon. East India Company's Botanic Garden at Saharun- pore. Communicated by J. F. Rovyyg, M.D., F.R.S. S L.S. . . 23
IV. Description of a new Genus of Linez. By Cnanuzs C. BaBiNGroN, Esq., MAS PARALELO 2 uM o EUM IS IT ME
V. On an edible Fungus from Tierra del Fuego, and an allied Chilian Species. Hy the Hee. MA. Baiser MA FLS o . i . «— X
VI. Synopsis of the Coleopterous Family Paussidæ ; with Descriptions of a new Genus and some new Species. By J.O. Wzsrwoop, Esg., F.LS., &c. 45
VII. On a reformed Character of the Genus Cryptolepis, Brown. By Hvcn Fatconer, M.D., Superintendent of the Hon. East India Company's Botanic Garden at Saharunpore. Communicated by J. F. Rovie, M.D.,
ND DE OS o. 9 à o x A
VIII. Notes on the Habits of the Box-Tortoise of the United States of America, — Cistuda Carolina, Gray. By Grorce Orb, Esg., F.L.S., &c. . . 59
IX. On the existence of Spiral Cells in the Seeds of Acanthaceæ. By Mr. Rucmanp Kippist, Libr. L.S. Communicated by the Secretary . 65
X. Description of a new Genus of Plants from Brazil. By Jon Mizns, Esq., FERE 2 ae X o0 nte dE. a. + — 7
I. Observations on the Genus Derbe of Fabricius. By J. O. WEsrwoop, Esq., F.L.S., &c.
Read December 1st, 1840.
THE insects composing the Homopterous order or suborder certainly exhibit the most extraordinary variations of form which are to be met with in this class of beings. Amongst a portion of these insects we trace two modifications : in a very great nuinber, composing the subfamily Membracides, we find the pro- thorax enormously developed, and presenting an almost endless variety of ap- pearance, and the head small ; whilst in many of the family Fulgoridæ the head is the portion of the body which is subjected to an increased development. Having illustrated the typical genus of the latter of these two groups in a me- moir which has been honoured by a place in the Society's Transactions, I pur- pose in the present paper to investigate another genus belonging to the same group, which, although not presenting so extraordinary an appearance as the true Fulgoræ, is, nevertheless, interesting both on account of several portions of its structure, and from the circumstance of its intimate connexion with - the two groups established by Mr. Kirby in the Transactions of this Society under the names of Ofiocerus and Anotia, both of which, and more especially the latter, continue so rare, that even in the most recent works upon the order we find scarcely any addition made to the information contained in the memoir VOL. XIX. : B
2 Mr. Wesrwoop’s Observations on the Genus Derbe.
of the reverend author. In describing these two genera, Mr. Kirby pointed out their relationship both to Fulgora and Delphax, omitting, however, all mention of the Fabrician genus Derbe, which is far more nearly allied to them than either of the two genera which he notices. The genus Derbe was, how- ever, evidently unknown to him, as it was also to Latreille and most subse- quent authors. In the * Systema Piezatorum' this genus is composed of eight species, seven being inhabitants of South America, whilst the eighth is a native of New South Wales, and was described from the Banksian collection, now in the possession of this Society. Such, however, is the rarity of the species of which this genus is composed, that no individual belonging to it existed until very recently in the collections at Paris, nor am I aware of any other speci- men in our English collections, except those in my own cabinet, subse- quently described.
In 1832, M. Perchéron, a Parisian entomologist, who has especially directed his attention to the Homoptera, Neuroptera, and other neglected orders of in- sects, being desirous of obtaining a more perfect acquaintance with the genus than is to be gained from the Fabrician description, applied to M. Westermann of Copenhagen, by whose kindness he was enabled to publish a figure of the Fabrician specimen of D. pallida, in M. Guérin’s ‘ Magasin de Zoologie.”
It happens unfortunately, however, that the species thus illustrated does not accord with the typical species of the genus, which therefore still remains unfigured. Subsequently M. Boheman, instigated by the same desire of rein- stating this genus in its proper situation (and evidently unaware of M. Perché-
ron's figure), published a memoir in the Transactions of the Ro
yal Academy of Sweden for the year 1837,
in which he described several African species which he considered to belong to the genus, but which also differ as greatly from its true type as the species figured by M. Perchéron1.
On various previous occasions I have endeavoured to establish a fixed prin-
t Since this Memoir was read, the Marquis Spinola has published a very elaborate Memoir on the Fulgoride, in the * Annales de la Société Entomologique de France,’ for 1839, in which he forms the genera Derbe (describing, ex visu, D. pallida, figured by Perchéron), Otiocerus and Anotia, into a distinct subfamily, which he terms Derbdides. These are the only groups in the subfamily with which he was acquainted, and of which the structure of the different parts of the head is principally employed, (as it is throughout his memoir,) for the discrimination of the different genera. —J. O. W., February 1842.
Mr. Wrsrwoop's Observations on the Genus Derbe. 3
ciple relative to the selection of the typical species in genera, established by our predecessors, which combined several distinct forms under one generic name. For this purpose, I have considered that the species which could be proved to have been more especially under the examination of the founder of such genera, ought to retain the old generic name; and where this could not be learned from any particular expression, that we should resort to the first species in the genus. In the writings of Fabricius we almost invariably find that he had par- ticularly examined one species in each genus, as he adds a detailed description of the various organs of its mouth to the description of the species, instead of giving it amongst the generic characters. In such case, it appears to me clear that we ought always to consider that insect as the type of the genus ; and it further happens, (which is not always the case in other genera,) that in the genus Derbe the species thus determined as the type stands at the head of the genus; so that in this and other analogous cases there is no ground for our conferring the old generic name on any of his species, which, in our modern view of such groups, does not accord with the actually determined type. These observations must of course be regarded as bearing upon the subject independently of the natural arrangement of objects, whereby it may happen that the species thus selected as the type of a genus may not be its natural type; but still the advantages to be gained by adopting a uniform method in dealing with these old generic names are so great, that naturalists will doubt- less join with me in preventing, as far as possible, a still further increase of the confusion in the nomenclature of generic groups.
The type of the genus Derbe is evidently, therefore, this first Fabrician spe- cies, namely, D. hemorrhoidalis, a South American insect, to which is referred by Fabricius (but with an expression of doubt) Stoll's figure 160, which repre- sents a species from Surinam, but which is regarded by Dr. Klug as distinct, under the name of D. nervosa (Burmeister, * Handb. d. Entomol.’ ii. p. 154). These two species, with the two others subsequently described, constitute a distinct group, for which I consider that the typical generic name Derbe ought to be retained, and the insects themselves to be regarded as the types of the higher group or subfamily to which they belong. |
The insect figured by M. Perchéron (D. pallida, Fab.), although agreeing with these typical species in the structure of the head, rostrum and antennæ,
4 Mr. WEsrwoop's Observations on the Genus Derbe.
is at once distinguished from them by the structure of its wings, which are pulverose, its short feet, and its generally weak form.
I possess two other species which agree with the typical species in their generic characters, and of which the following are descriptions.
DERBE SEMISTRIATA. Westw. Tas. I. Fig. 1.
Luteo-fulva ; alis pallidis costà magis fulvescenti venis nigricantibus strigis- que tenuibus fuscis inter venas (nisi in cellulis apicalibus) dispositis.
Expans. alar. lin. 164 (mens. Angl.).
Habitat in Brasilia. In Mus. Westw.
Caput pallidum albido-luteum ; antennis oculis et rostro concoloribus. Collare albido-lu- teum. Mesothoracis dorsum fusco-luteum, medio obscurius, posticé pallidius, maculis duabus parvis rotundatis nigris versus angulos posticos. Tegule fusca. Scutellum pallidum. Pedes luteo-albidi. Ale nitidæ pallidè lutescentes ; costá anticarum magis fulvescente, in medio et ante incisionem ordinariam fuscá, venis nigricantibus strigis- que tenuibus fuscis inter venas dispositis, at in cellulis longitudinalibus apicalibus haud aut vix obviis; ale posticæ strigis nonnullis in angulo externo, cellulá anticá dis- coidali venas tres ad apicem emittente, posticá unicam tantüm.
DERBE STRIGIPENNIS. Westw. Tas. I. Fig. 2.
Pallidè fusco-lutea ; thoracis dorso carinaque faciei sanguineis, alarum venis
fuscis strigis tenuibus fuscescentibus inter omnes venas ad apicem alarum currentibus, pedibus albidis.
Long. corp. lin. 3. Expans. alar, lin. 14. (mens. Angl.). Habitat in Brasilia apud Rio Janeiro. In Mus. Westw.
Caput obscuré sanguineum, facie ante oculos nigricanti carina sanguinea, clypeo rostro an-
tennisque lutescentibus, rostro ad medium usque abdominis extenso. Collare luteo ru-
fescens; mesothoracis dorso sanguineo, posticè luteo, maculis duabus parvis rotundatis
nigris ad angulos posticos; scutello metathorace abdomineque luteo-fuscis, margine postico segmentorum posteriorum rufescente. Pedes elongati graciles, pallidé luteo-albidi. Ale nitidæ pallidé fusco-luteæ, venis fuscis strigisque tenuibus fuscescentibus in medio membranæ inter omnes venas et usque ad apicem alarum extensis, cellulá anticá discoi- dali alarum posticarum ad apicem venas duas emittente, cellulá posticá etiam duas.
Mr. Wesrwoop’s Observations on the Genus Derbe. 5
Obs. Insertio venarum in medio alarum anticarum paullo irregularis. In alà dextrà cel-
lula angusta basalis ad apicem emittit venam post venam bifidam (ut in fig. 2 At), et
venæ duæ proximæ sunt longitudinales (o et *) et disjunctæ. In ala sinistrá (fig. 2 B)
cellula basalis angusta versus apicem venam bifidam tantüm emittit; vena proxima lon- gitudinalis (fig. Bt) cum vend parva transversá venæ postcostalis conjuncta est ; venzeque proximæ duæ longitudinales sunt (fig. B, o et *), attamen ante originem conjunctz.
Under the name of Mysidia I propose to arrange such of the South Ame- rican species of these insects as have hitherto been described under the generic name of Derbe, but which differ from the typical species of the genus in various , respects, as indicated in the following contrasted characters of the two groups, although they agree together in being exclusively inhabitants of South America.
Statura debilis.
Pedes breviores.
Rostrum ultra pedes posticos haud exten- sum.
Antenne longitudine mediocri.
Oculi rotundati.
Ale breviores, latiores, teneræ, pulverosæ ; antice integra ad apicem rotundatæ ; vena mediastina (fig. 3 À, a) bifida, ramo ejus antico ramulos nonnullos obliquos versus apicem emittenti, ramo postico ad apicem bifido; vena postcostalis (fig. 3 A, D) ad apicem trifida, venasque duas alias longitudinales pone medium bifi- das in medio posticé emittens ; vena me- diana (fig. 3 A, c) ramos tres emittens, ramo medio bifido.
Statura robustior. Pedes longi graciles. Rostrum ad medium abdominis extensum.
Antenne breviores.
Oculi subrotundati haud emarginati.
Ale longiores, angustiores, nitide ; antice ad costam ante apicem incise, mem- brana pone incisionem ramis tribus venæ mediastinæ curvate percursa ; mem- brana reliqua venis numerosis regulari- bus longitudinalibus in medio venis transversis conjunctis percursa; vena mediastina (fig. 1 A, a) bifida, ramo an- tico ad apicem 4-ramuloso, postico ad apicem bifido; vena postcostalis (fig. 1 A, 4) pone medium bifida, ramo an- tico bis bifido, postico bifido ; vena me- diana (fig. 1 À, c) ramos 10 longitudi- nales emittens, quorum tertius e basi bis bifidus. le
Ale postice vena postcostali bifidà aut tri- Ale postice vena postcostali quadrifida (fig. 1,
fidá (Tan. I. fig. 3, 4, B, z).
E, 2). I
6 Mr. Wesrwoop's Observations on the Genus Derbe.
I have found it exceedingly difficult to refer the very variable arrangement of the veins of the wings of these insects to a primary type; although it will ap- pear quite evident, from the figures given in the accompanying plates, that the species of each subgenus agree in the general character of the veining of the wings, thus proving the value of this character. It appears to me, however, that we are able to trace the mediastinal, postcostal, median and anal great veins in some of these insects, although in others one or more of them be- come so modified as to seem lost, or to have sunk into mere branches of one of the others. "The fore-wings of the three species of Mysidia, repre- sented in Tas. I. fig. 3, 4 and 5, agree in the main arrangement of the veins ; and it will be observed that these wings are comparatively short and broad, but the fore-wings of the typical species of Derbe are very much elongated, and are consequently furnished with a greater number of veins ; there being, in fact, six longitudinal branches added. If, however, that portion of the wing of D. semistriata which is shaded in fig. 1 D, x, were to be cut out and inserted into the wing of Mysidia, in the situation indicated by the mark a, in fig. 3 A, the two wings will be found to be exactly alike in the veining; in other words, the part of the wing shaded in Derbe semistriata is supplemental, if I may so speak. It is moreover to be observed, that the posterior branch of the postcostal vein of Mysidia, indicated by the letter o (fig. 3A), seems trans- formed into the true anterior branch of the median vein in Derbe semistriata (fig. 1 D, o). The normal condition of this vein in Derbe is still, however, in- dicated by the small transverse vein (q), which connects the postcostal and median veins ; for on looking alone at the wing (fig. 1D), it would be imme- diately concluded that the veins o and oo, and the several veins between them, are all branches of the great median vein C, and thus the little transverse vein g sim a supplemental one, giving support to these longitudinal veins. On looking, on the other hand, at the wing of Mysidia pallida (fig. 5), the
vein o is found to be quite independent of the postcost branch of the median vein much curved at its
the little transverse vein q to identify it with t On looking,
al vein, forming a base (p), and only wanting he wings (fig. 3 A and 4 A). immediately be led to con- € postcostal vein, the small form the true base of the longitudinal
then, at these two wings, we should clude that the vein o was a posterior branch of th vein q here becoming oblique, so as to :
Mr. Wesrwoop’s Observations on the Genus Derbe.
vein o, and to be connected with the outer branch of the median vein by a branch p, which is but in fact the modified base of the branch o, supposing that branch to be postcostal and not median. By adopting this view, we should arrive at the conclusion that the branch o in Derbe semistriata is post- costal, its true base being the short branch q, and that the other longitudinal veins in the shaded part of the wing (1 D x) are also postcostal.
The following species belong to the subgenus Mysidia.
Derbe pallida, Fabr. (Perchéron, Mag. de Zool. Ins., pl. 36). D. squamigera, Fabr. (* Statura omninó præcedentis,” Fabr.). D. costalis, Fabr. (* Statura praecedentium," Fabr.).
D. punctum, Fabr.
D. testacea, Fabr.
D. nivea, Fabr.
I am in doubt respecting the three latter species, D. punctum being described as having elongated wings, although it agrees with my species in colour, and in having a black spot. D. testacea is described as of the “statura præceden- tis." D.nivea agrees with mine in having the wings “ teneris niveis," but they are immaculate.
The two following species also belong to this subgenus.
MYSIDIA ALBIPENNIS. Westw. Tas. I. Fig. 3.
Parva tenera; alis albis: antieis puncto parvo ante medium coste punctis nonnullis ad marginem internum venis transversis punctoque ante api- cem nigris lunulis parvis fuscis marginalibus.
Long. corp.lin. 2. Expans. alar. lin. 8. (mens. Angl.).
Habitat apud Veram Crucem Americæ Æquinoctialis. In Mus. Westw.
Corpus totum albidum; oculis lutescentibus ; antennis concoloribus. Collare album, macula parva purpurea utrinque ad marginem anticum. Tegule albe. Abdomen et genitalia concoloria. Pedes etiam albidi; tibiis anticis annulo fuscescenti ad basin alteroque ad apicem. Ale tenerrimæ, albæ, pulverosæ, translucidæ, et parüm iridescentes, venis pal- lidis; antice puncto nigro parvo rotundo ante medium costæ ; vená parvá transversá
(venam mediastinam et postcostalem conjungenti) ; basi ramorum duorum vena post-
8 Mr. Wesrwoon’s Observations on the Genus Derbe.
costalis, puncto rotundo ad basin furcæ apicalis trifidæ venze postcostalis, venis qua- tuor transversis discoidalibus, punctisque quatuor marginis interni nigris ; postice puncto parvo inter venam medianam et primam analem venáque transversá versus apicem nigris; lunulá parvâ fuscescenti inter omnes venas ad marginem posticum ala- rum omnium. Vena postcostalis alarum posticarum apice bifida.
MYSIDIA LACTIFLORA. Westw. Tas. I. Fig. 4.
Luteo-albida; vertice collarisque margine antico parüm sanguineis, hujus te- gularumque marginibus posticis albis, alis albis margine antico lutescenti basin versus maculis tribus parvis maculâque majori ante apicem nigris.
Long. corp. lin. 91. Expans. alar. lin. 121. (mens. Angl.).
Habitat in Brasilia. In Mus. Westw.
Tota lutescenti-albida; capite parvo; oculis fuscis; vertice parüm sanguineo; antennis longis, albis. Collare album, margine antico luteo-sanguineo. Tegule magne, posticè albæ. Mesothorax posticé albus. Pedes omnes albidi. Ale albæ, apicem versus albido tinctæ, pulverosæ, parüm translucidz, venis pallidis ; antice costa luteo-albidá, punctis tribus nigris ante medium, punctis duobus minutis ante apicem in ramis trifidis apicalibus venæ postcostalis, punctoque majore rotundato in vend transversá ramos duos posti- cos venæ postcostalis conjungente, nigris, venis tribus transversis discoidalibus fusco- tinctis, macula parva nigra versus marginis interni basin; ale postice venis duabus
transversis punctoque parvo versus angulum analem nigris, vená postcostali ad apicem bis bifidà.
The last of the Fabrician species of the genus Derbe, D. elongata, is an . inhabitant of New Holland, and recedes so much from the type of the genus, especially in the form and veining of the wings, that it is necessary to esta- blish a distinct subgenus for its reception. This insect was described by Fabricius from the Banksian cabinet, now in the possession of the Linnean Society, in which are preserved three specimens, from which the accompany-
ing figure is taken. The following characters distinguish it from the other subgenera of this group.
Mr. Westwoon's Observations on the Genus Derbe. 9
Diospouis. Westw. Lydda, Westw. in Proc. Linn. Soc., p. 84.
Rostrum brevius quam in Derbe typicali. Antenne breves. Ale anticae longissimæ, an- gustissimæ, apice rotundatæ. Directio venarum anomala ; regione venæ median mini- må (Tas. II. fig. 1 c.) aut potius ejus rami *** in ramos venæ postcostalis (fig. 1 à.) transformati ; ramo litterá o indicato ramo o subgeneris Mysidiæ (meo judicio) analogo.
DiosPours ELONGATA. Tas. II. Fig. 1. Derbe elongata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 34. Syst. Piez. p. 82.
Long. corp. lin. 2. Expans. alar. lin. 8. (mens. Angl.).
Habitat in Nova Hollandiä. In Mus. Soc. Linn. Lond.
Fulvo-flavescens. Caput concolor pallidum; oculi fusci. Antenne pallide. Rostrum ob- scuré sanguineum. Collare flavo-fulvescens utrinque pone oculos rufum. Mesothoraz flavo-fulvescens, lineis duabus tenuibus mediis posticè coalitis lateribusque rufis, scu- tello pallido lateribus rufis. Abdomen fusco-fulvum, linea mediá punctisque in lineis quatuor dispositis pallidis; genitalia pallida. Ale antice pallide luteo-fulvæ, margine interno pallidiore, venis transversis venarumque longitudinalium basi apiceque fusco- tinctis ; ale posticæ parvae pallidiores. Pedes concolores, apice tarsorum fusco.
In the Transactions of the Royal Academy of Sweden for 1837 (* Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, Holm. 1838) M. Boheman has published a memoir, entitled * Observationes in Derbe genus unà cum specierum quin- que novarum descriptionibus. The five species described in this memoir are inhabitants of Sierra Leone, and materially differ from the typical species of Derbe as well as from the other subgenera above described, with none of which, indeed, was M. Boheman acquainted. These five species were divided by M. Boheman into two sections, which the author suggested might easily be | considered as subgenera. In the elongated form of the wings they agree with the typical species of Derbe; but the paucity of the veins gives them a nearer rélation to Mysidia, and especially to Diospolis, from which genera, however, both the sections are quite distinct. :
The following characters distinguish the first of M. Boheman's sections ` from the other subgenera of the group: I propose to name it VOL. XIX. c
10 Mr. Wesrwoop’s Observations on the Genus Derbe.
Tunactia. Westw.
Antenne capite ferè duplo longiores, basi approximate. Oculi orbiculati, integri. Ocelli nulli? Rostrum pectore longius. Clypeus dorso tricarinatus. Tibie postice medio sub- calcarate. Ale anticæ longissime, anguste, apice truncate, venis 12 longitudinalibus inter angulum apicalem et analem, vend mediastinà (Tan. II. fig. 2 B, a) ad apicem bifida (a*). Vena postcostalis ultra medium alæ irregularis, apice bifida, posticé ramos qua- tuor emittens (rami sex postcostales 2 B, b*); vena mediana (2 B, c) postice ramos tres emittens (vena et rami mediani 2 B, c *); venæ alarum posticarum venis brevibus trans- versis conjuncta.
Tunacra sinvosa. Westw. (DERBE sinuosa. Boheman). Tas. II. Fig. 2. Fuliginosa ; rostro pedibusque pallidè testaceis, alis anticis vittà costali sinu- osà fusca serieque punctorum fuscorum. Long. corp. alis clausis lin. 7. Paris. Habitat in Sierra Leoná. Mus. D. Schönherr.
Tunacra Bouemanni. Westw. (DERBE NERVOSA. Boheman).
Corpore subtüs pedibusque flavescentibus, abdominis lateribus anoque rufis,
hemelytris pallide fuscis nervis costalibus sanguineis reliquis albo-fusco- que punctatis.
Long. 5 lin. Habitat in Sierrá Leoná. Mus. D. Schönherr. Obs. Hee species cum D. nervosd, Kl. Burm. haud confundenda.
The other African species, described b second section of Derbe, differ materially indeed, he has justly observed; I have acc ing another subgenus under the name of
y M. Boheman as constituting his from those of his first section, as, ordingly considered them as form- -
PHenice. Westw. coe capite TN breviores, basi remote. Oculi oblongi vel obovati, pro antennis distinctè emarginati. Ocelli distincti, ad latera frontis sub oculis positi. Clypeus ut in Thracid, Rostrum pectore vix longius. Ale anticæ quam in Thracid breviores, apice subrotundatæ, venis ferè ut in Mysidiá dispositis, 19 longitudinalibus ad margi-
Mr. Wesrwoop's Observations on the Genus Derbe. ll
nem posticum inter angulum apicalem et regionem analem. Vena mediastina apice bifida (Tas. II. fig. 3 B, a); vena postcostalis (b) ad apicem deflexa etiamque bifida, ra- mos tres longitudinales posticè emittens, quorum ramus o manifest? analogus ramo o in figuris Mysidie et Derbe; vena mediana (c) ramos tres posticè emittens. [Ramulus litterá z notatus, quamvis primo intuitu pro ramo venæ postcostalis haberi possit, evi- denter ramulum medianum z in figurâ Mysidie lactiffore representat ; in Phenice ta- men ramulus minutus ante medium adjectus est, e vená postcostali emissus et ramo mediano continuus, unde ramus z postcostalis videtur potiüs quam medianus.] Ale posticæ absque venis transversis.
PHENICE FrITILLARIS. Westw. (DERBE FRITILLARIS, Boh.). Nigra; rostro pedibus pectorisque lateribus flavis, capitis carina pallidà fusco-
punctatà, hemelytris alisque albis nigro tessellatis.
Long. alis clausis 34 lin. Habitat in Sierrá Leona. Mus. D. Schönherr.
PHENICE FASCIOLATA. Westw. (DERBE FASCIOLATA. Boh.). Tas. II. Fig. 3. Pallidé flavescens immaculata; pedibus concoloribus, abdominis lateribus lu- teis, hemelytris albis, fasciis irregularibus lætè fuscis.
Long. alis clausis vix 4 lin. Habitat in Sierra Leona. Mus. D. Schönherr.
PHENICE STELLULATA. Westw. (DERBE sTELLULATA. Boh.). Corpore fusco-rubricante; capite antennis pedibusque pallidis, hemelytris fu- liginosis albo-punctatis ; nervis costalibus sanguineis.
Long. alis clausis vix 3 lin. Habitat in Sierra Leona. Mus. D. Schönherr.
On reviewing the characters of the five preceding subgenera, Derbe, My- sidia, Diospolis, Thracia and Phenice, we find that, notwithstanding the great variation in the form of the wings and the arrangement of their veins, the size of the antennæ, &c., there are certain characters which they possess in com- mon, which we must accordingly regard as those of the genus. These con- sist of, 1st, the minute size of the terminal joint of the rostrum; 2nd, the com-
12 Mr. Wesrwoop’s Observations on the Genus Derbe.
parative paucity of the veins of the wings as compared with those of Flata, Lystra, &c.; 3rd, the unarmed posterior tibiae ; and 4th, the minute annular form of the basal joint of the antennæ, and the large size of the second joint. I would have added to these the presence of ocelli, but we have seen that these organs are apparently wanting in Thracia. Now we find these four cha- racters equally strong in the genera Otiocerus and Anotia of Kirby, as well as in some other insects which are described below, all of which I consequently regard as subgenera of Derbe.
Oriocerus. Kirb. (Conax. Germar.)
appears indeed to be destitute of ocelli ; and the antenna, especially in the males, are very anomalous, but in all other respects these insects are true species of Derbe. Mr.Kirby having given no representation of the rostrum, I have added a figure of the entire head of the female of O. Degeeri, Kirb., in which sex the antenne are very short and bilobed (Tas. II. fig. 4 B). This species has the anal angle of the fore-wings dilated into an angular projection (fig. 4 A), and has been accordingly formed into a distinct genus by Dr. Burmeister under the name of Hynnis rosea; but it will be seen, on comparing the veining of the wings of this species with that of O. Coquebertii, Kirb. (of which I have also given an enlarged figure, Tan. II. fig. 5.), veins is almost identical; so that it will be ne meister's genus Hynnis.
The eyes in Otiocerus are emarg
that the arrangement of the cessary to suppress Dr. Bur-
: inate, as they are also in Phenice, although in the typical species of Derbe they are almost round.
On comparing the wings with those of Derbe and Mysidia, that the postcostal vein here acq
subgenera, the median vein, althou gin of the wing, and its apical bran angle; whilst the apical bran
Anotia. Kirb. differs from Derbe in no material res
ginate, and the ocelli appear to be
Mr. Westwoon’s Observations on the Genus Derbe. 13
joint greatly elongated and emarginate at the top, do not materially differ from the typical character of the antennæ of the genus, whilst the veining of the wings, differing as it does from that of any of the other subgenera already described, can only be considered, as we have already seen, a character of sub- generic value. As in Ofiocerus we find a similar apical branching of the me- diastinal vein (Tan. I. fig. 6 A, a), the subcostal vein (b) arises from the medi- astinal one, whilst the median vein (c) is of very inferior value. The strong vein o is evidently identical with the vein o of Mysidia, &c., although here it is quite unconnected with the little transverse vein g. lt consequently here be- comes a distinct branch of the postcostal vein. The large cell which it partly forms is irregular in the two fore-wings of Mr. Kirby's specimen of 4. Bon- netii, (being the only individual I have seen of the subgenus, and from which the accompanying figures of the fore- and hind-wings are derived,) the left wing having only one branch emitted from its apex, whilst in the right wing there are two (fig. 6 B**, A. Bonnetii is an inhabitant of Georgia in North America.
M. Guérin has figured an insect in his ‘Iconographie du Règne Animal,’ In- sectes, pl. 58. fig.13, under the name of Anotia coccinea, which he has described in the text of the ‘ Voyage de la Coquille’ as an inhabitant of the Australian Archipelago, and which differs so materially from the type of the subgenus, especially in the veins of the wings, as well as their large size, that it will be necessary to establish a distinct subgenus for its reception: I propose to name it Deribia coccinea.
Under the subgeneric name of Patara, I propose to describe two minute in- sects, inhabitants of the West Indian islands, which are closely allied to 4notia in their general characters, and in the large size of the second joint of their antennz ; but in these insects this joint forms a very long, compressed and flat plate, of equal breadth throughout, and standing out from the head ; and the veins of the wings are also quite differently arranged. The following are its technical characters : |
Parana. Westw. Caput mediocre, fronte in carinam parvam productâ. Oculi maximi, subtüs emarginati. Ocelli obsoleti. Clypeus magnus. Rostrum ad basin pedum posticorum extensum,
14 Mr. Westwoon’s Observations on the Genus Derbe.
articulo penultimo elongato, ultimo minuto. Antenne maximæ, articulo 1mo annals formi, 2ndo maximo compresso, latitudine æquali, verrucoso, apice subtruncato e seti- gero. Prothorax brevis; tegulæ mediocres; abdomen subbreve, in marius lobis d bus sublunatis convexis terminatum. Pedes graciles, simplices; tibiis posticis inermi- bus. Ale antice longitudine mediocres, apice rotundatze, venis paucis, cellulis tribus discoidalibus contiguis subquadratis inter venam postcostalem et medianam ; vena me- diastina bifida, ramo postico apice bifido, ramo postcostali per medium alæ currente (Tas. IT. fig. 6 C, b) apice bis bifido (6*); vena mediana (c) ad apicem ramis fere desti- tuta, ramo ordinario o cum vena postcostali et medianâ venis brevibus p et q connexo,
vend postcostali eum medianâ venis duabus transversis versus ale medium connexá, cellulas quadratas supradictas formantibus.
Tas. II. Fig. 6 A. Capite thoraceque fulvis, alis anticis griseo-fuscis margine omni Long. corp. lin. 1j. Expans. alar. lin. 31. Habitat in Insula Sti Vincentii, Dom. Guilding. In Mus. Dom. F., W. Hope. Caput fulvum, oculis antennisque nigricantibus. Prothorax et mesothorax fulvi, hoc lineis tribus dorsalibus notato. Metathoraz et abdomen brunneo-rufa, Pedes pallidè lutes-
centes. Ale anticæ disco griseo-fusco, margine omni albo-guttato, gutta media costali majori, apicalibus rotundatis; margine ipso tenuissimo, punctis inter guttas albas san- guineis; venæ discoidales obscuriores ; alae posticæ fuscescentes venis sanguineo-fuscis.
PATARA ALBIDA. Westw. Tas. IL. Fig. 7.
Luteo-albida ; antennis nigricantibus, alis anticis albis farinosis apicem versus fuscescenti tinctis guttis albis sanguineisque ornatis, Long. corp. lin. 1. Expans. alar, lin, 23,
Guilding. In Mus. Dom. F., W. Hope. stum ; oculi magni, nigro-purpurei. Antenne nigricantes,
Compressissima, Thorax totus concolor pallidus. Pedes albidi, Abdomen paulld ob- scurius, appendiculis duabus (d genitalibus) albidis. Ale antice albæ, farinosæ, versus apicem pallidè fuscescenti tinctæ, venis tamen ad
P ; margines apicemque alarum guttis albis terminatis, punctis sex parvis marginalibus purpureis (scil. 2 apicali-costalibus nis duabus transversis discoidalibus fuscis, reliquis multò . de " E . . + . D - "
pallidioribus ; cellulis 3 discoidalibus subquadratis, albis, nitidis, iridescentibus; vend
Mr. Wzsrwoop's Observations on the Genus Derbe. 15
prima transversà rectà obscuriore ; cellulá inter venam analem marginemque inter- num serie duplici tuberculorum fuscorum. Ale postice albæ, venis paullo obscuriori- bus.
Another minute insect inhabiting the West Indies is the type of my sub- genus Cenchrea, which differs from all the rest in the very minute size of the antennee, the very slightly produced front of the head, and the form and vein- ing of the wings. The following are its characters :
Caput transversum; oculis magnis subtüs emarginatis. Frons parüm producta. Ocelli 2 sub oculos positi. Antenne minute, in cavitatem circularem marginis lateralis pro- thoracis extensæ, articulo primo annulari, secundo brevi subrotundato tuberculato, setá dorsali. Rostrum ad basin pedum posticorum extensum, articulo penultimo longo, ultimo minuto. Prothoraz latus, lateribus dilatatis et ad angulum anticum semicircu- lariter elevatis. Mesothorax transversus, lineá tenui media elevatâ. Abdomen breve latum, lobis duobus terminatum. Pedes postici longi inermes. Ale antice elongate, angulo antico apicali valdè obtuso, venis perpaucis longitudinalibus ; vena mediastina (Tas. II. fig. 8 C, a) pone medium bifida, ramo postico ad apicem bifido; vena post- costalis etiam pone medium bifida, ramo antico bifido (b*), ramo ordinario ot cum vena postcostali medianáque venis minutis transversis p et g conjuncto.
CENCHREA DORSALIS. Westw. Tas. II. Fig. 8.
Pallidé testaceo-fulva ; alis anticis flavescentibus margine interno fuscis apice
punctis duobus purpureis notato. |
Long. corp. lin. 1}. Expans. alar. lin. 5.
Habitat in Insula St Vincentii, D. Guilding. In Mus. Dom. F. W. Hope.
Caput pallidum, medio magis brunnescens ; oculi magni nigri. Thoraz pallidus, vittis lon- gitudinalibus brunneo-fulvis. Abdomen fulvo-brunneum, apice pallido pulveroso. Pedes pallidi albidi. Ale antice flavescentes, venis pallidis, margine externo lato fusco, strigá parvá obliquá nigricanti pone medium costze, maculis duabus purpureis in margine api- cali; ale posticæ albæ, versus medium parüm infuscatæ, venáque furcatá fuscá, reli- quis pallidis.
+ This ramus ordinarius, o, is as troublesome to determine, as the analogous t branch emitted from the middle of the extremity of the discoidal cell in butterflies.
16 Mr. Wzsrwoop's Observations on the Genus Derbe.
N.B. The same letters and marks are used throughout the figures to indicate such x the veins of the different wings as I consider to be the analogous representatives of each other.
Tas. I. Fig. 1. Derbe semisiriata, Westw. A. The head with the frontal carinæ and antennæ seen from above and in front. B. The head seen sideways. C. The same seen from beneath.
D. The fore-wing. a. The mediastinal vein. ò. The postcostal vein. c. The median vein. d. The anal vein. o. The representative of the outer branch o of the median vein of Mysidia. g. The small transverse vein connecting the post- costal and median veins, here forming, with o, a branch of the postcostal vein, the veins between o and 00 being branches from this vein. The shaded part,
2, represents the supplemental part of the wing not found in Mysidia. E. The hind-wing.
Fig. 2. Derbe strigipennis, Westw.
A. À part of the right fore-wing, showing the regularity of the branches + 0 and *.
B. The left fore-wing, with the same branches similarly marked. C. The hind-wing.
Fig.3. Mysidia albipennis, Westw.
A. The fore-wing, with the principal veins marked as above. 4* Terminal branches of the postcostal vein. æ. The situation where the in Fig. 1 D. is omitted in Mysidia.
B. The hind-wing. z. The postcostal vein, simply bifid at the tip.
Fig. 4. Mysidia lactiflora, Westw.
A. The fore-wing. 0. The terminal branch of the median vein, connected with the preceding branch of the same vein by the
short branch p, but also at the same time so connected with the postcostal vein by the shorter branch q, as to appear rather as a branch of the latter than the former. x. The base of the second branch of the median vein. B. The hind-wing. | C. Head seen sideways,
portion of the wing shaded
Mr. Westwoon’s Observations on the Genus Derbe. 17
Fig. 5. Fore-wing of Mysidia pallida, Westw. o. The terminal branch of the median vein, being connected therewith by the curved base p, and quite distinct from the postcostal vein, the branch q being here obsolete.
Fig. 6 A. Fore-wing of Anotia Bonnetii, Kirb., the branch o being quite independent at its base either of the median vein c, or of the short branch g. B. Part of the right fore-wing of the same, showing the two branches emitted from the apex of the large discoido-apical cell. C. The hind-wing of the same.
Tas. II.
Fig. 1. Diospolis elongata, Westw. *** Longitudinal veins emitted from the postcostal vein, although analogous to the branches of the median vein of Mysidia.
2. Thracia sinuosa, Westw.
À. Antenna.
B. Fore-wing, lettered as above. a*. Terminal branches of the mediastinal vein. b*. Terminal branches of the postcostal vein. c*. Terminal branches of the median vein. z. The second branch of the median vein, but also connected with the postcostal vein by a short transverse vein.
C. Hind-wing.
Fig. 3. Phenice fasciolata, Westw. A. Antenna. B. Fore-wing, lettered as above. C. Hind-wing.
Fig. 4 A. Fore-wing of Otiocerus Degeerii, Kirb., lettered as above. B. Head of ditto, seen sideways.
Fig.5. Fore-wing of Ofiocerus Coquebertii, Kirb., lettered as above.
Fig. 6 A. Patara guttata, Westw. B. Head of the same, seen sideways. C. Fore-wing of the same, lettered as above. D. Hind-wing of the same. |
Fig. 7. Patara albida, Westw.
Vol ATX. Tab 1
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Il. Descriptions of several new Homopterous Insects belonging to various Sub-
genera of Derbe of Fabricius. By J. O. Wzsrwoop, Esg., F.L.S., &c. Read February 2nd, 1841.
I BEG leave to offer to the Linnean Society the following descriptions of new species of Homopterous insects belonging to various subgenera of the genus Derbe, illustrated by me in a paper lately communicated to this So- ciety; one of the species forming a new and very interesting subgenus, and described from an unique specimen in the collections of this Society.
MysiDiA SUBFASCIATA. Westw. M. alba; alis fusco transverse nebulosis punctoque ante apicem nigro ornatis.
Long. corp. lin. 21. Expans. alar. lin. 9. Habitat in Brasilia, D. Burchell et Swainson. In Mus. Soc. Zool. Lond. et D. Burchell.
M. albipenni valdè affinis a quá differt prothoracis margine antico pallide fulvo aut conco- lori; alis magis pulverosis, albis, nebulis transversis fuscis notatis ; vená postcostali ante apicem macula rotundatá nigra notatà (ad basin areæ parvæ triangularis); venis tribus brevibus ex illà areà posticè emissis interdum bipunctatis; venis quatuor transversis ante apicem alarum nigricantibus ; maculis reliquis parüm distinctis ; ramo postico venæ postcostalis ad apicem irregulariter furcato; venis alarum posticarum ut in M. albipenne dispositis. Pedes uti in hac spécie colorati.
'HRACIA Javanica. Westw. TAB. H. fig. 9, T. fulva; abdomine obscuriore vittâ centrali pallidiori, alis pallide hyalinis: